Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Just another afternoon in the Greek Islands

A few years ago, my life was a bit different. Actually, I guess that goes without saying. All of our lives were! In the early 90's, my seasonal company always rewarded me with the opportunity to relax in the summer. I embraced this time for 4 or 5 straight years running. Come about clockwork..the travel magazines would come out and my European plan would start to fall into place. For me, there was nowhere else in the world I wanted to be in the summer but somewhere in Europe.

As you travel through Europe, from Scandinavia through Central Europe and eventually to the Mediterranean countries, the Greek Islands are always a perfect way to end the trip.....a vacation from your vacation if you would.

Upon arrival to just about any island from the convenient ferries I took, the first stop always seemed to be a quick stop to negotiate a daily rate for a moped. Zipping endlessly across the landscape of the Greek Islands on my "Shreed Ped" as I fondly referred to them as always found numerous opportunities to photograph the locals, discover quiet little villages, and let your imagination wander about what life was like hundreds of years ago in these little islands. For some reason, I think little has changed. I hope to make it back someday to see :)


Joanna Lee said...

Sounds like a wonderful plan! I prefer spending extended periods in once place. I want to know the culture, not just see the sites...though that's great too!

I didn't even know you take pictures of people. I like this one. I feel like I'm right there!

Linda Furlong said...

I really like this photograph - makes me want to be there. The men look so relaxed and happy and full of character. The lighting is lovely with the nice shadows on the scene. Oh, and of course, the doggie!

I enjoy following the varied styles of your work and how each one works so well to evoke the feeling of that moment for me.
