A look at a close-up world of details just before the guests arrived, originally uploaded by Photomike07.
As you may or may not know, my "regular gig" is providing lighting for specials events. On a typical event (like this morning), our team shows up at the crack of dawn. A mad scurry then takes place as lights are hung, cables run, hardware is placed, circuits are patched, lights are focussed....and thats just our department. Add in the layers of decorators, florists, caterers, musicians, and other various artisans and you have quite a symphony of talent! As a photographer and visual artist myself, there is a virtual playground of images, textures, and colors to be enjoyed as a result. I have often wondered if the guests....any of them for that matter.....ever REALLY get it. I mean, do they really see the infinate detail that goes onto these projects? Well, I do, and after 25 years in this business......I am still in awe.
This little collage was created from a few shots right before the guests arrives (my favorite time) as I scoured the scene for unique angles. As I am a little backlogged, this is from an event we did last month. More on this one in a couple of days. I like these kind of "Conde Nast" style composites. Hope you like it as well. I have a few more great shots I hope to post from from this event so stay tuned :)
I love these shots! I would love to see the individual pictures in larger scale. Do you have it on your Flickr account? I'll have to check.
Hey Mike. I am not sure that a typical "guest" to an event like this ever really "gets it" but once you are behind the scenes, and you know every detail and every hand that goes into a final product, you can never go back to not noticing again... I miss working the events... but its nice to live vicariously through you sometimes!
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