Monday, January 26, 2009

Florida canopy

As is so often the case, the image has really nothing to do with what I feel like babbling about. So, about this one, somewhere in central Florida from a little photo trip I took a few months ago.
Hope you like!

And now for the babble....

As a business owner for the last 22 or so years, I have never been one to count the hours worked throughout the week. Just get whatever needs to get done at whatever hour of the day or night and try to balance some personal time in there when possible. I seem to have a perpetual problem with the latter part of that I must admit. I realize that again this evening. While driving home from our event this evening in Vero, I tried to count the hours worked this week just for fun....stopped counting at about 95! Even so, we ended the week on a real high note.

I feel like we made some great friends up in Vero at this event. What a great group of people to work with. A little appreciation goes a long way with always has. Please check back tomorrow for some great images from the show :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed with your blog. You do beautiful work Mike. Bravo!