A typical Boston scene (and time to get back to normal, whatever that is.....), originally uploaded by Photomike07.
I must admit, I carry some really strange hours. Having worked in the events industry for about 25 years, and never having been much of a morning person, I guess this has worked out ok for me. Of course, disastrous results sometimes ensue when attempting to mesh this type of schedule with one who is polar opposite. Of course I have first hand proof of this, but we all learn our lessons and move on.
So what am I rambling about.....?
Well, as you can see from the times I normally post, it is usually quite late, and in turn, probably not the best time to experience cerebral clarity, but I blog on. Kinda funny, but the millions of ideas that seem to bubble up throughout the day seem to all but vanish when my image of the day gets uploaded......and so I blog on....
I usually try to pick out an image that meets my mood at the time. More often than not, I can't really connect with one, but instead choose one that stands out in color, detail, and vibrance. Then the challenge of creating a few words worth reading unfolds its ugly face. I have always craved the ability to write.....with passion and clarity....creatively taking a reader on an interesting journey. Yeah, like I said, I have always wanted to do that. Wonder if I will ever get there? ......and he blogs on...
So why this image Mike?
Well, guess its a little personal. Although its not my home, it indeed reminds me of what I am creating for a special little person in my life. A home. I have spent quite a bit of time with my little sunshine girl over the past 2 weeks. I love the way the holidays have been spaced this year. Seems like there was a lot of time off this way. Memories, great memories, can only be created by putting in the time. As a father, I realize this more and more each precious day that I am rewarded with this special gift I have been given. When she refers to our place as home too, I can't help but swell up a bit and realize that, ..... well,..... all is ok.....
Thnkx fer listening......to me that is. And as I sometimes tike to do, here's a link to some of the music that inspired me this evening
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