Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Deep thoughts in Iceland

Deep thoughts in Iceland, originally uploaded by Photomike07.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Kinda bizarre that as a 45 year old, I was thinking just that when I started this trip last May. My thoughts leading up to this trip were strange and uncharted as well.

For the preceding few months, after careful analysis of the previous year, I had to face the hard realization that a few serious decisions had to be made. With that hanging over my head, I was also was a bit stressed out about the trip I was on. I was chosen to be a part of this trip based on a great client (and friend's) recommendation, and for the brief few days I was here, expected to produce. I am sure most of my fear and concern was self inflicted, but there none the less. I have always had that deep need and desire to please the client, coupled with a slight sense of insecurity. Perhaps a great combination or toxic mix....depending on your perspective I guess....


This shot was one of the first I created. While listening to a bit of Jami Sieber on the Ipod, I scanned the horizon of this Icelandic landscape from the viewing platform at the Blue Lagoon. Even though the lighting was a bit flat, I knew that I could create what I was feeling in post.

So, as I mentioned, I was a bit stressed out when I first arrived. Before leaving for this incredible location, I did a little research and was kinda blown away at the imagery that was created here already. Was I in over my head? Why does it matter? Where the hell is the sun? How on earth am I gonna get anything worth a crap?!

As it turns out, I got to see a wrap up booklet the client created for the group, and several of my images were picked....even some of the people shots!
Actually, for me, that was very cool!

I say all this to remind myself now, its great to get out of your comfort zone. I find myself quite often a little bit over extended. Not too far, but a calculated bit just near the edge. Its comfortable there. I actually find myself fearful of the feeling of complacency.

So, at 45, I still don't really know what I want to be when I grow up. Partly because I still feel like a kid! I do know that I have enjoyed the journey so far, and I quess that's all that really matters!

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