Sunday, August 30, 2009

Son et' Lumiere Sunday - The Season in Palm Beach

"In the beginning there was nothing. God said, "Let there be light!" And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better." ~Ellen DeGeneres

On Sunday evenings, I like to take a little moment to recognize, look back at, and kind of give a bit of thanks to the industry I have been a part of for the better part of my life. Some posts are eu' currant, while others are a bit of a trip back in time. Why I do it in this tricky little French title kinda way, I have no idea.....but that's another story altogether......anyway.....

The Season.....yes the Season....

That period in South Florida and specifically here in Palm Beach in which the real party begins. Historically, the island swells up from its slow paced population of the summer from around Thanksgiving weekend up until Easter weekend, give or take a couple of weeks. Vendors such as hotels, restaurants, rental company's, event companies, florists, ......well, they all depend on this. It's always been a predictable cycle. A few of us have branched out and catered to the corporate market as well, but this seasonal social market continues to be a rather large share of the pie around here.

As I took a quick glance of the up and coming event calender for this season, I must say that this year seems to be predicting a kind of bleak outlook. Should be no surprise with the economy and the whole Madoff fiasco, but its still kinda tough to except.

For most of us in the game, I guess its a safe bet to except the fact that this is just a bump in the road. Sure, at times it seems like a huge bump, but I feel good times around the corner.

I've approached this challenge as a unique one. An opportunity to slow down a bit, focus on new strategies, realign myself with some new goals, travel, take some much needed personal time with my daughter, and appreciate (really appreciate) the fact that I have had a great 25 years so far. Although, it's not going to be business as usual for quite some time, I look forward to the challenges and opportunities that my bright future is bound to provide me with!

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