Son et' Lumiere Sunday - Market America - 2009 Convention (and a reflection on industry relationships), originally uploaded by Photomike07.
Wow, these Sundays seem to come at me at lightning speed!
For tonight's weekly reflection on the industry I have enjoyed being a part of, its more than the image above...it's about relationships. This image was from a recent project we were a part of in North Carolina...but more on that in a later post....
I must say that it is nice to know that over the last 25 years or so, there is group of folks that have tirelessly continued to promote and sell the service's of my company. Its a comforting feeling knowing that there is always a team of loyal producers, creative designers, coordinators, technical directors, and planners that see the value in our services and continue to bat for us. That being said, when there is an opportunity to return the favor and pull a few of these folks into a project that I am a part of.....well, it just feels good. Thanks for being there!
Here's to a great kickoff to the season this November!
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