Monday, April 19, 2010

Afternoon color around the lake - Lake Como

Bella Bella.....

You know, its kinda funny. Hearing the reports of stranded travelers in Europe over the past couple of days from the Icelandic volcano eruption actually seems kinda nice. I guess its all perspective. About this time of year, when the season starts to tank a bit and head fast into the dog days of summer, I can think of nothing better to do than get lost in the European rail system. Grab a plate, throw on a little bit of Norwegian Fiords, Greek Islands, Summer music festivals, Spanish beaches, Swiss Alps, Italian Lakes, and French Villages and you have yourself quite a meal!

What would you do if you could just pick up and go? I love quizzing people sometimes. Its great to see someone's reaction when I ask them "if money were no object and you could wake up tomorrow with not a responsibility in the world, what would you do with your life?" That seems too stump a lot of people. Not sure why. For me, I am sure there would be ALOT more travel.......yes, bumbling thru Europe sounds like a great idea!

Look for more images from around the Lake soon :)

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