God Beams over West Palm Beach - and a search for enlightenment, originally uploaded by Photomike07 / MDSimages.com.
So, on a somewhat related note, I feel like linking to a video I recieved today. As you must know by now, this blog has never been much of a source for ideas or product endorsements, but I really felt like sharing it. Life sometimes has a way of presenting you with challanges, or as I like to see it, opportunities for self growth disguised as hurdles. Since my divorce, I have been on a full on feast of self growth knowledge. There is no one that seems to cover all these areas that, lets face it, we can all use improvement in, as well as this cat I found called Brian Johnson. His debute product called Philosophers Notes (google it), is a buffet of knowledge and selfgrowth wisdom. Kind of like a cliff notes creation of 100 of his favorite reads while on a sabaticle in Fiji (man, thats sounds cool doesn't it?), he indeed pours his heart into this product. It has been my "Go To" folder on the ole' Ipod for sometime now. In fact, I can't think of a better way to start the day that with one of his delicious 20 minute morsels of insight. A great fuel for the mind for sure. Well, as you can see from the link to a video below, he has an other product out that looks kinda cool too. So, I ask you, what have you fed your mind today?
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