Friday, June 18, 2010

Matterhorn on a misty mountain afternoon

"The only Zen you can find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there." -
Robert M. Pirsig

There is something very settling and familiar when exploring about an area like Zermatt. Seems like no matter where you are, one of the most majestic of all mountains called the Matterhorn always seems to be looming off in the distance - like an old friend there to comfort you, ya know. (my gosh, where in the world is all this going?!) Nowhere I what?

Hmmm, how about a little about the image?

I had to do a bit of work on this one. The light was kinda flat and even, so I played with painting a bit of contrast in here in there to create more of a sense of depth and texture. There always, at least when I was there, seems to be a mess of clouds around the peak (like the time-lapse I took when I was there). I'll link to it on the blog if you want to check it out. In this case, the sense of mystery helps a bit (I think). Hope ya like :)

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