Sunday, March 15, 2009

Gondolas waiting in Venice

Even though I have a whole batch of images I have worked on and created in a file waiting patiently for their shot at the online gallery world (this is already sounding stupid isn't it!)......this little impatient one cut to the front of the line. Please excuse him as he has no manners.......aaannnnyywayyy....

As I have said before....many many times before, when my mind wanders to locations other than where I usually am at the moment (this happens all too often I must admit), it usually wanders to somewhere in Europe. Having said all that, this image of a Venetian canal taken several years ago as a slide, scanned into the Mac a few months ago, and photo painted today has been given new life.

I hope you liked my little deviation into the photo painting world. I have been using a rather simple plug in called Topaz. I hope to do a few more soon.

This week, I hope to get caught up on some event images from a couple of recent shows, so check back soon :)

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