First off, last nights gig was a total success. I still would have loved to see baby turtles come marching thru the front door, but I digress.....again. I hope to process and post a few pics this week. We had a great day today. My team rocked...as usual! Tomorrow night is the main event. Very tight timeline.....arrival on the cloister area, ceremony in the ballroom, then cocktails around the pool with a fireworks show. While cocktails are around the pool, the ballroom gets transformed for dinner...... in 45 minutes!!! Do I hear broken glass? There is alot of detail in the ceremony and the reception setups...exquisite detail! This would be a great scramble for a time lapse camera to capture. Anyway, after they arrive back in the Ballroom for dinner and dancing, the pool area is turned around for the after party. Everything is looking awesome so far. All players and vendors have been great to work with. We are all gonna have to pull together on these turnovers. I am looking forward to a flawless execution, and god willing, it will be. I hope I have a few minutes to snap some images! Till then, here is a shot of the ballroom I captured seconds before my crew arrived and cluttered the space up with lights, cable, and heavy stuff. The first is a raw capture and the second is an HDR that was intentionally "grunged up" a bit.
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