Saturday, April 19, 2008

And the crowd goes wild

Well, the show just ended. Not bad for a total wing it on my part. Sometime my best shows are created that way. I program a few looks during the day, organize and lay out the console really well, and busk out a show a few hours later. It keeps me on my toes by not knowing what look I am going to do for the next verse, chorus, or bridge and forces me to really concentrate on the show, well, that is until I grab my camera. Its kind of a bad thing when you do that and miss one of the only Q's the producer really asked for. Woops, sorry Howard! Here are 2 images from earlier today during rehearsals.

1 comment:

Steve LaRose said...

Those shots look soooo cool.
I will upload some stuff from Bangkok as soon as I can.

EMT'S and the Police???? College Party???